Tuesday 30 November 2010

Poster Research.

Today i researched various posters in which i wanted mine to slightly look like. Here are a few that i found that were appealing to what i wanted mine to look like and the general feel of a decent poster.

I wanted my poster for COLR TRUBL to make it look like they are having a show in the near future and that people can book tickets to see it. I wanted it to be in the O2 Arena as thats a preety popular place for music shows.

It has to include: Title, Name of band, date,time,place,contact info, alot of colour, and some images. (maybe some sponsors?)

Here is my drawn version of how i want the layout to look like in which i think my design will look like when creating in INDESIGN:

And thats my research. I may change my poster to how it progresses through the stages. Now i can start making the poster itself.

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