Tuesday 5 October 2010

My Newspaper Cover!



After! :o!

This was actually a quite fun lesson in the end. I completed the work I was set out and learned INDESIGN very well. (It was a whole new piece of software to what I am used to).  There is one problem with my final piece (but Adam, it looks so real!!!! You could work for the EDP!) Well, the logo for "EASTERN DAILY PRESS" was not as big in size/format that when I zoomed in on it, it was very pixelized. But when I printed it out on A4 it looked ok so i was happy with it..

The actual logo I used:

(UPDATE - As my exported copy (which shows a lot of detail) did not show up the really great article I had put together, as it is really small like normal newspapers, I have supplied a zoomed in version below):


Random Hint: I am keeping a diary (only small) of what I did in that lesson/lessons and updating it everytime. It is in the middle of my desktop so I always notice it.

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