Tuesday 5 October 2010

Newspaper Research!


For our lesson we had to research various newspapers so that we could create our own newspaper in INDESIGN (I think that is what it is called). I researched various newspapers. here are a few:

I chose the EDP as the newspaper I was going to put my Hyperactive Squirell  Picture in that I had made onto the front page as it is clearly set out with loads of information so you know what page has the information you are looking for and it is one I regularly read.

The scanned image above is my first atempt to how I was going to set out my version of the newspaper. It was changed,and changed, AND CHANGED, many times because my picture is portrait. Eventually I decided to keep it the way it is but add my own content: Shown below.

I might not always do these scanned images as I would rather hand in my sketchbook at the end as its shows them at their full potential. But hey! hopefully this is ok to show you some of my work in lesson until I hand my SB in.


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